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Educat Ltd (ΗΕ 449366, OID E10339100, PIC 880796861) established in 2023 with the main headquarters in Nicosia, Cyprus.
The main purpose of Educat is to provide quality non-formal education training courses for adults from all over Europe to meet their personal and professional needs.
Educat offers Erasmus+ KA1 Staff Mobility training courses for teachers and all staff in charge of school education in primary schools, secondary school and higher education (also vocational education and training, schools for adult education and youths) to develop their educational, personal and professional skills, as well as an intercultural communication skills in the beautiful and sunny island of Cyprus.
Educat organises as well adult learning, especially for digital and soft skills required by the labour market, needed to create new or modify existing business processes, culture, and customer experiences.
We focus our courses towards personal and professional growth, well-being, skill sharing and improved classroom environments, with a focus on 21st-century skills and well established topics which are always helpful for any educator or staff in education.
Our courses are streamlined to provide the best professional development and cultural experience, from the start and to the point where you receive your certificate. Our experienced, well organized and efficient team, provides an excellent level of service, we also provide assistance and guidance to our participants throughout every step of the enrolment.
Educat implements various teaching methods such as Game based learning, Inquiry-based learning, Project Based Learning, Open Classroom etc., ICT tools for teaching and learning, our trainers create an enjoyable and productive classroom experience for participants with different interests, abilities and learning styles to grow their skill set.